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Olga Jørgensen

Apart from her solo performing, Olga Jørgensen is a keen chamber musician and accompanist, and has received several prizes, also with her own Jørgensen Trio​.

The pianist Olga Jørgensen was born in Poland and moved to Norway at the age of 3. In 2004, she was awarded a place to study at the Young Talents section of the Barratt-Due Music Institute in Oslo with Helge Kjekshus, and she was also part of Wolfgang Plagge's Elitesatsningsprosjekt at Bærum Culture School. She graduated at the Royal Academy of Music in London with a First Class Honours degree in 2015, and earned later her Master's degree at the Norwegian Academy of Music where she was studying with Håvard Gimse and Kathryn Stott.

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Carmen Nett2
Running period: 19-19/10

Carmen on tour

In a one hour performance, Carmen will be distilled into a passionate dramatic story, with all the major arias.

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