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Vincent Wolfsteiner

The German tenor Vincent Wolfsteiner sings the main male role as Paul in Korngold's opera The Dead City here in Bergen autumn 2024.

Before Vincent Wolfsteiner from Germany became a professional singer, he studied law, and then went to England to study sound engineering. After graduating, he worked as technical manager of a Munich radio station and as studio manager of a Munich recording studio.

In 2000 he moved to the United States in Boston, where he took his first private lessons in singing from William Cotten at the New England Conservatory at the age of 35. Almost a year and a half later he was already on the stage of the Grantite State Opera in New Hampshire with his first professional leading role - the Rodolfo in La Bohème.

This was followed by engagements including roles, such as Don José in Carmen, Turiddu in Cavalleria rusticana, Coraddo in Il Corsaro and Canio in Pagliacci in Massachussets, New York, Florida and New Hampshire.

Wolfsteiner started his European career as member of the ensemble at Volkstheater Rostock, later adding guestings at State Opera Hannover, Komische Oper Berlin, Staatstheater Darmstadt, Oldenburgisches Staatstheater, as well as the Opera Festival Heidenheim. At these institutions he took on roles like Siegmund in Die Walküre, Florestan in Fidelio, Aegisth in Elektra and Bacchus in Ariadne auf Naxos,

Following two seasons (2012-14) as a permanent member of the ensemble at Staatstheater Nuremberg, Vincent Wolfsteiner became a member of the ensemble at Opera Frankfurt, debuting in the title role of Verdi’s Otello. Since then, he performed all major tenor roles in Wagner’s Ring cycle, the title roles in Tristan und Isolde, Lohengrin, Peter Grimes and Andrea Chénier, Erik in Der fliegende Holländer, Calaf in Turandot and the title role in Tristan in a new production under the direction of Sebastian Weigle.

Vincent Wolfsteiner is also active as a concert singer. His repertoire includes key works, such as Mozart’s Requiem, Beethoven’s Symphony No 9, Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Schumann’s Faust Szenen, Schönberg's Gurrelieder as well as Mahler's Symphony No 8 and Das Lied von der Erde.

Among the highlights of recent years are his debuts as Herodes in Salome at the Staatsoper Wien, the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, and Lohengrin at the Tokyo Spring Festival. Additionally, he returned to the Bayerische Staatsoper with Penderecki's "The Devil of Loudon" and was also heard as Tannhäuser at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Sergei in Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk at the Staatsoper Hamburg, Siegmund and Siegfried in a concert version with Marek Janowski and the Dresden Philharmonic, as well as both Siegfrieds in Erl in a new production by Brigitte Fassbaender.

Autumn 2023 he was the Emperor (Der Kaiser) in Die Frau ohne Schatten at the Opéra de Lyon. Season 2023/24 he also sung Paul in Die tote Stadt (The Dead City) for the first time, at the the Oldenburg State Theater in Germany. March this year (2024) Wolfsteiner sang the role as king Herodes in Salome at the Irish National Opera.

In May (2024) he also participated in Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk at the Staatsoper Hamburg, as Zinovyi, conducted by Kent Nagano.

Spring 2025 Wolfsteiner will be king Pollux in The Love of Danae (Die Liebe der Danae) by Richard Strauss at Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich.

Wolfsteiner has worked with the stage director Calixto Bieito also previously, f. ex. in the role as Maxz in Der Freischütz, at Komische Oper i Berlin.

Main source: Boris Orlob Management

Updated October 2024