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Melissa Baug

Norwegian soprano Melissa Baug is one of the soloists at the Viva Verdi! concerts in September here in Bergen

Melissa Baug is a Norwegian soprano from Radøy, living in Copenhagen. In 2018 she finished her bachelor’s degree at The Grieg Academy in Bergen under tutelage of Professor Hilde Haraldsen Sveen. She then moved to Copenhagen to study her master’s degree at The Royal Danish Academy of Music, and in 2022 she finished her 2nd master’s degree at The Royal Opera Academy in Copenhagen. All four years under tutelage of Professor Helene Gjerris.

Under her studies Baug performed roles as Dido in Dido and Aeneas, Donna Anna in Don Giovanni and Contessa in Le nozze di Figaro.

In 2018 she sang in Op. 33 by Grieg, on a Norwegian Broadcast show called “Grieg minute by minute”. In May 2022 she did her debut at The Royal Danish Theater as The Daughter in The Nose by Shostakovich, and almost a year after she did her debut at The Norwegian Opera and Ballet in the role as Dritte Magd in Elektra by Strauss. Later, she sang the role as Vierte Magd at the opera in Copenhagen.

She has also performed as a soloist in several oratorios, such as Bachs Christmas Oratorio, Mozart's Requiem and Händel's Messiah.

Melissa Baug joined Bergen National Opera's summer academy Opera by the Fjord for the first time this year (2024), being Freia in the highlights from Das Rheingold by Wagner. She also performed Mimì's aria “Si, mi chiamano Mimì” from La bohème. After the final concerts she received one of the scholarships from GC Rieber Fondene.

Baug has also received several scholarships earlier, such as the Sine Butenschøns fond, skipsreder Tom Wilhelmsen stiftelse, Karen og Arthur Feldthusens fond and Hanne Lomholds legat.

Main source: the agency Nordic Artists Management (external link)

Published August 2024