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Eirik Krokfjord

The Norwegian baritone Eirik Krokfjord is one of the soloists at the Viva Verdi! concerts in September

Eirik Krokfjord is a dramatic baritone from Lørenskog in Norway. He holds a Master’s Degree in performance from The Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, and has since worked with Yngve Søberg and Luis Ledesma before commencing studies with Brian Jauhiainen in 2022.

He has appeared with Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Accademia Bizantina, Capella Vitalis Berlin, Orquesta Sinfónica de Michoacán, The Norwegian Soloists’ Choir, The Norwegian Wind Ensemble, and numerous times with Barokkanerne Norwegian Baroque Orchestra.

On the opera stage, Krokfjord has portrayed Scarpia in Puccini’s Tosca, the title role in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Nick Shadow in The Rake’s Progress, Wolfram in Wagner’s Tannhäuser, Leporello in Mozart's Don Giovanni and Silvio in Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci. He also appeared in Calixto Bieito’s production of Strindberg’s A Dream Play on The Norwegian National Theatre’s main stage, performed in Rom for Dans’ dance theatre production The Underland, and has featured at the Brazilian early music festival Semana de Música Antiga.

Possessing acclaimed expertise as a soloist in the field of early music, Krokfjord has performed Rameau, Mazzocchi and Theile as well as Bach, Händel and Telemann, in a vast repertoire that stretches from renaissance monody to wagnerian and veristic opera. He also has extensive experience performing contemporary music, notable examples including Sir Peter Maxwell Davies’ Eight Songs for a Mad King, Dominick Argento’s The Andrée Expedition and the title role in Ståle Kleiberg’s opera David & Bathsheba, as well as works by notable composers such as György Ligeti, Kaija Saariaho and Alfred Janson. Krokfjord has repeatedly been entrusted with world premieres of new music in Norway, most notably with Ensemble Aksiom in works by Martin Ødegaard.

Krokfjord joined Bergen National Opera's summer academy Opera by the Fjord for the first time this year (2024), where he performed the role as Donner in the highlights from Das Rheingold by Wagner, in addition to the aria "Il cavallo scalpita" from Cavalleria rusticana by Mascagni.

Published August 2024

Main source: his home page (external link)